
Coding Cheat Sheets

This is a collection of programs that showcases basic functionalities in each programming language (that I know of).

Core concepts include*:

*Note that not all languages support these features. And some languages like SQL operate using their own syntax.

When did you come up with the idea?

In 2018, I was learning Python and was bombarded with so much info about its syntax. To help me retain all the information, I created, a culmination of all the basic Python syntax into one program. I was very proud of the end product that I considered doing something similar to other programming languages. However, I never committed to the idea until a few years later.

Python was a language I would utilize, but not regularly. So, to jog my memory, I would always refer back to how_to_python. One day when I was stuck at home, I looked back at that program and remembered just how useful it was to have a cheat sheet you could run. I had plenty of free time on my hand, so I finally decided to incorporate multiple languages into this long-overdue project.

How can I utilize this repo?

Each language is divided into folders, where each folder contains a separate README detailing the backstory of each language and how to run each file. From there, you can learn how each component of a language comes together. Note that this only covers the basics of a language. Please refer to the documentation or take a learning course to thoroughly learn a particular language.

Fun Facts

Note: Excluding CSS, HTML, JSON, Markdown, and SQL since they’re not typical procedural languages

Compiled Languages

Interpreted Languages

Languages that Require Semicolons

Languages that aren’t Open-Source

Languages that Support Class-Based OOP

Languages that Support Multiple Inheritance

Languages with Destructors

Statically Typed Languages

Dynamically Typed Languages

Languages with Pointers

Languages that Require Manual Memory Management

Languages that Don’t Require break in Switch Statements

Languages with Null Safety

Languages with // Comments

Languages with # Comments

Languages that Don’t Support Multiline Comments